

156_2.jpg (圖一)七月的大清早,嗯,這間我們常來的民宿昨晚好像又住進了一批人,不知道今天早上有沒有什麼好康的可以分一點~。咦,今天好像我最早到,其他幾個龐克,到底還有什麼鳥事還沒處理好嘛?就我一個來,會不好意思ㄋㄟ,先站在角角看看情況好了。


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(圖四)這次的民宿客人好像也是帶了不少好料的,我看那個黑眼圈和雞窩頭吃得肚子那麼凸。說實在的,住在這個美麗丘真幸福,不像樓下那些百科全書上的同族的,看看他們, 瘦得那個樣, 大概都沒吃飽。 

唉,我那兩個死黨總算來了。 你們兩個怎麼那麼慢哪,等好久了!人家黑眼圈和雞窩頭早就用過big breakfast了,不知道還有沒有剩ㄛ。 快來呦,先來合唱引起施主們注意。









褲ㄎㄚ不拉(Kookaburra) 的學名是Dacelo gigas,是很受澳洲人喜愛的野生鳥類,他們的臉上有深褐色的眼影,像是毛茸茸、肥嘟都會飛的Teddy bear。在翠鳥(kingfisher) 家族中,笑翠鳥體型算是大的,是澳大利亞東部的翠鳥科(Alcedinidae)的一種食魚鳥。不過牠們不挑食,幾乎什麼都吃,這點在環境惡劣的熱帶林中是生存之道。笑翠鳥是一夫一妻制,會一起撫養幼鳥至少一~二年,直到小鳥成年。他們還會互相照顧同一群體裡彼此的幼鳥,發揮互助的精神。



Laughing Kookabura



What does it look like?
The Laughing Kookaburra is instantly recognisable in both plumage and voice. It is generally off-white below, faintly barred with dark brown, and brown on the back and wings. The tail is more rufous, broadly barred with black. There is a conspicuous dark brown eye-stripe through the face. It is one of the larger members of the kingfisher family.
Similar species
Identification may only be confused where the Laughing Kookaburra's range overlaps that of the Blue-winged Kookaburra, Dacelo leachii, in eastern Queensland. The call of the Blue-winged Kookaburra is coarser than that of the Laughing Kookaburra, and ends somewhat abruptly. The Blue-winged Kookaburra lacks the brown eye-stripe, has a blue tail and a large amount of blue in the wing, and has a pale eye.
Where does it live?
Laughing Kookaburras are found throughout eastern Australia. They have been introduced to Tasmania, the extreme south-west of Western Australia, and New Zealand. Replaced by the Blue-winged Kookaburra in central northern and north-western Australia, with some overlap in Queensland, although this species is more coastal.
The Laughing Kookaburra inhabits most areas where there are suitable trees.
What does it do?
Laughing Kookaburras feed mostly on insects, worms and crustaceans, although small snakes, mammals, frogs and birds may also be eaten. Prey is seized by pouncing from a suitable perch. Small prey is eaten whole, but larger prey is killed by bashing it against the ground or tree branch.
Laughing Kookaburras are believed to pair for life. The nest is a bare chamber in a naturally occurring tree hollow or in a burrow excavated in an arboreal  (tree-dwelling) termite mound. Both sexes share the incubation duties and both care for the young. Other Laughing Kookaburras, usually offspring of the previous one to two years, act as 'helpers' during the breeding season. Every bird in the group shares all parenting duties.
Living with us
Living with humans
Laughing Kookaburras often become quite tame around humans and will readily accept scraps of meat. This 'pre-processed' food is still beaten against a perch before swallowing.

查詢澳洲常見鳥類:Birds in backyard


What does it look like?
The Laughing Kookaburra is instantly recognisable in both plumage and voice. It is generally off-white below, faintly barred with dark brown, and brown on the back and wings. The tail is more rufous, broadly barred with black. There is a conspicuous dark brown eye-stripe through the face. It is one of the larger members of the kingfisher family.
Similar species
Identification may only be confused where the Laughing Kookaburra's range overlaps that of the Blue-winged Kookaburra, Dacelo leachii, in eastern Queensland. The call of the Blue-winged Kookaburra is coarser than that of the Laughing Kookaburra, and ends somewhat abruptly. The Blue-winged Kookaburra lacks the brown eye-stripe, has a blue tail and a large amount of blue in the wing, and has a pale eye.
Where does it live?
Laughing Kookaburras are found throughout eastern Australia. They have been introduced to Tasmania, the extreme south-west of Western Australia, and New Zealand. Replaced by the Blue-winged Kookaburra in central northern and north-western Australia, with some overlap in Queensland, although this species is more coastal.
The Laughing Kookaburra inhabits most areas where there are suitable trees.
What does it do?
Laughing Kookaburras feed mostly on insects, worms and crustaceans, although small snakes, mammals, frogs and birds may also be eaten. Prey is seized by pouncing from a suitable perch. Small prey is eaten whole, but larger prey is killed by bashing it against the ground or tree branch.
Laughing Kookaburras are believed to pair for life. The nest is a bare chamber in a naturally occurring tree hollow or in a burrow excavated in an arboreal  (tree-dwelling) termite mound. Both sexes share the incubation duties and both care for the young. Other Laughing Kookaburras, usually offspring of the previous one to two years, act as 'helpers' during the breeding season. Every bird in the group shares all parenting duties.
Living with us
Living with humans
Laughing Kookaburras often become quite tame around humans and will readily accept scraps of meat. This 'pre-processed' food is still beaten against a perch before swallowing.

查詢澳洲常見鳥類:Birds in backyard


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